I swear, the internet isn’t the only thing that has an algorithm. Life does.
I get synchronicities that happen all the time. I notice something around the same theme, and it keeps happening until I see or hear enough times that I pay attention. (Does this happen to you?)
Sometimes it’s life-changing or is just a lead into something else.
For example, a few months ago I kept getting Time Travel references. That’s right, timelines and wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.
It started with watching the movie Interstellar. This movie blew my mind. I highly recommend.
Then as I was thinking and journaling about all things time related, my daughter asked to watch “A Wrinkle In Time” and get the books.
Even my husband started giving references as we received them. He brought up how we’ve always felt like sometimes we hop timelines together. Like, there was this one near-miss plane thing that happened on our way home from Portland one time, we should be dead right now. But it happened in a way that time blinked and then – we were fine. (more on that story later)…
That “theme” lasted about 3 weeks. I haven’t even thought about Time Travel since then.
This week, I keep seeing, hearing, and being bombarded by the saying “Say Yes”.
The universe is preparing me for something. ‘Say Yes’ to what?
Yes to an opportunity? Yes to me? Say Yes more than No to the kids this summer?
Sounds pretty positive. I’ll let you know.
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