Since I have been blogging for over 20 years, I have some old posts I would like to share on Thursdays.
I hope you enjoy it!
Do you ever notice that it’s really easy to think of things you don’t like about yourself?
That inner voice is so critical all the time. What if it said nice things about you, instead of bad things all the time? I don’t know about you, but I have days where all I do all day long is beat myself up. I think at some point in our lives, we are told that liking yourself is conceded. It’s bad to wake up for the day and think “I am awesome!”, because some grown up, sibling, friend or bully along the way told us we weren’t, We could never be.
Well, I’m here to call bullshit on that one.
I’m sick of self deprecating. I’m sick of not feeling special, because you know what? I am, and you are.
Do you know the odds of you even being here right now? The odds of being born is one in 400 trillion. 400 TRILLION. You can’t even think of a trillion things, I bet, and yet here you are.
I can’t think of a trillion things I like about myself, but here are 5 (which were hard to come up with!):
I like my sense of humor.
It’s weird, and unconventional in some ways, but dammit I’m funny. I like making people laugh. I love when something funny comes out that I didn’t even have to plan ahead of time. I can crack jokes with all the boys. I can make a joke and lighten a situation. I can even make people laugh when they are supposed to be mad at me. That takes skill, my friends, and I have it.
I like the way I can jump into action whenever there is a crisis.
Husband lost a job? No problem, no need to panic – let’s make a plan. Kid threw up in bed? No problem, let’s get that kid in the tub and those sheets in the wash.
You won’t find me sitting in the corner when there is a problem to solve.
I like that I obsess over stuff I love.
I like that I get really really obsessed with a subject, object, or hobby and have to research it until I know everything there is to know about it. I’ll even make note if something intrigues me to obsess about later. I’m never bored. I always have a project in my back pocket.
I like my ambitious side
I like how ambitious I can get. I’ve always been the believer of if you work hard enough on something you can make it happen. I often become a cheerleader for others who want to better themselves because of this belief. Come to me if you don’t want to hear that you ‘can’t do it’ again. I’ll tell you that you can.
I like being a Mom
I love how I love my kids. I never thought of myself as maternal – but sometimes I’ll be in a mommy moment and become impressed with myself. Especially when they are happy doing a project with me, smiling and laughing, or when Maddie tells me she feels better because of something I did.
Ahhh, I feel better about myself already.
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